We are called anew to “live out our calling in a broken world”

The trial of former Minneapolis Police officer Derek Chauvin has concluded with a guilty verdict. In the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., ‘the arc of the moral universe has bent toward justice.’
In moments such as these, we must consider how our own hearts are challenged and changed by George Floyd’s legacy. Together we must pray for wisdom and discernment for a better path forward as we wrestle with questions such as:
As a Christ-centered community, how can the Malone community be a source of love, hope, and reconciliation to a weary people and a deeply divided world?
As a Christ-centered community committed to the transformative power of the love of Jesus Christ, what is our role in engaging people of different races, ethnicities, and economic backgrounds to confront our society’s systemic challenges and make our community one in which all are welcomed, valued, and celebrated?
Today we are called anew to “live out our calling in a broken world”. And what does the Lord require of [us] but to do justice, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with our God? (Micah 6:8)
Your colleague and fellow pilgrim,
David A. King, Ed.D.