Your Story: Told In Six Words

File Under: Community

A Malone University English class is inviting members of the Stark County community to participate in a campus exhibit featured in the Everett Cattell Library in which individuals share their stories in exactly six words, a take on the global phenomenon started by Larry Smith, founder of the storytelling SMITH Magazine

The project was brought to Malone by Associate Professor of English Cherie Parsons, who teaches ENG 315: Style & Usage. It will be on display through the end of April, during normal library hours

"The exhibit is one way to show Malone values your story," Parsons said. "There's something powerful in sharing your story, as well controlling which story you tell about yourself."  

Examples include: 

Was lonely, found cat, snuggled it. - Sophomore Catherine Martinez

Feminist and faithful. Yes, I'm both.  - Parsons

Prone to wander trails, But God... - Jason Courter, Assistant Professor of Biology

I found wings in the dust. - Linda Leon, Director of Spiritual Formation 

Born premature, raised broken, resurrected hope. - TC Ham, Associate Professor of Biblical Studies

Fontinella will always be Papa’s cheese. – Junior Vince Leone