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Beck twins use creativity to make kids smile


COLORFUL SURPRISE. As part of a class project, twins Ashley and Emily Beck made crayons to take to a local branch of the Akron Children's Hospital Pediatrics.

Lessons in Leadership


In many ways, Alex Steinmetz '13 is a role model for Malone University students.

Griffin Working for Peace in Cleveland


As executive director of the Community Relations Board and cabinet member for Mayor Frank Jackson, Blaine Griffin ’93, makes it a point to return every single phone call – from the elderly resident concerned about crime in her neighborhood to the President of the United States.

Academic Excellence

Ready to lead


Master of Arts in Education/Educational Leadership alumna Danielle Kemp '14 believes that her faith allows her to be a better leader.

Honors alumni working for peace in California, Indonesia


Cara (Caudill) '06 and Joe Pfeiffer '06 pictured during their travels in Halmahera; Puao for the Evangelical Friends Church Southwest, where they teach intensive courses in Bible, peacemaking, history, mission, and theology - and especially partner with the Jakartan leadership to help them develop and implement a program that trains church leaders in Evangelical Friends theology and practice.