Getting F.O.C.U.S.E.D.


Mind and body. A guidance counselor and a certified personal trainer, Rollen Smith '06 encourages fitness in all areas of life.

Faith Overcomes Crazy Unusual Situations. Expect Doubters. These are the words behind the acronym in Rollen Smith’s F.O.C.U.S.E.D. Personal Training & Fitness, and they are words that he relies on - and propels others towards.

Smith '06, who earned his bachelor's degree in early childhood education from Malone, and a master's of education in school counseling from the University of Akron, originally started his personal training program in 2010 as the mantra for his own training goals, but he did not expect the scope of its growth.

“Long story short, I had a friend of mine inquire about training her, and I’m like, I can show you some moves, but I don’t know about training you,” Smith said. “Then she told someone else, and I got another client, and she told someone else, and her husband.”

A certified personal trainer, he began a boot-camp class at Malone University’s Wellness Center, which also grew exponentially. Soon, F.O.C.U.S.E.D. had its own logo, website, and even merchandise. Not only that, but Smith’s wife is a certified nutrition specialist, adding even more to the training program. But F.O.C.U.S.E.D. is about more than physical health.

“It’s been very rewarding training people. It’s not just a physical training session—they talk about work, they talk about life, they talk about their insecurities, and that’s where the counseling comes in. A lot comes up in the midst of those training exercises," Smith said. "I want to show them that I care what they are saying to me, that’s why I am here. A lot comes out therapeutically, not so much in the training but in life. It’s amazing how they can connect. Everything’s not going to be easy, but you can persevere.”

Smith also works full-time as a guidance counselor at Lehman Middle School in Canton and is a new father.

Learn More

To learn more about Smith and F.O.C.U.S.E.D., visit his website.