Life Groups Logo

Life Groups are designed for students to:

  • Receive personal discipleship from individuals with spiritual maturity
  • Experience differing degrees of Christian community
  • Develop a more personal relationship with Jesus Christ by studying Scripture, asking questions, and engaging in discussions.

Each Life Group topic and description has been decided upon by the leader.

Life Groups aim to help students know, love, and serve Jesus Christ by providing personal settings focused on biblical study, spiritual disciplines, and faith integration.

Three types of Life Groups:


Biblical study life groups embrace and dig into the biblical story through making observations, interpretations, and developing applications of the Scriptures. Studying Scripture helps us gain insights into God, our relationship with others, and creation.


Spiritual discipline Life Groups focus on the use and practice of spiritual disciplines as a means for helping students be attentive to the Holy Spirit's work. Content is focused on the historical and biblical teaching of various spiritual disciplines and their function and purpose in ongoing spiritual formation.


Faith integration Life Groups expose students to foundational principles of Christian faith that inform a theology of life, work, and play. Students will learn healthy, holy rhythms that reflect the Holy Spirit's work in our life and community.

Please refer questions about attendance to the leader or to the Spiritual Formation Office

Life Group Season officially launches the week of September 9 and runs through November 15!


Fall 2024 Life Groups

Please refer to the Malone Events Calendar for more information and specific dates for each group.

The Well

Zeke Yost

Bible Study

Join other college-aged young adults from around the area for a time of building Christ-like community. We will dive into God’s Word, and discuss how we can apply it to our lives. There will be food, worship, a message, and time to connect with friends. Our goal is to encourage you no matter where you are in your faith journey. We will also have open gym after service for students to hang out and play basketball, pickleball, etc! The Well takes place Tuesdays at 7:00pm at First Friends Church - 5455 Market Ave N, Canton, OH 44714

Coffee and Conversation

Megan Mauck

Faith Integration

This life group features discussions and interviews with Malone University alumni where they discuss their spiritual lives after college. Alumni will vary in age and life stage each week. This group meets on Thursdays at 10:30 a.m. in the Stewart Room.

Hope Connections

Kaylyn Jones

Faith Integration

This life group is designed to be a safe space to talk about mental health issues and how we can reconnect back to hope. This group meets every other Tuesday at 10:30 a.m. in the Stewart Room.

Saints and Scriptures

Jayvin Herbert

Faith Integration

Join us for a transformative Bible study series where we explore the rich teachings of First Corinthians through the lens of Catholic tradition. This study delves into the timeless wisdom of St. Paul as he addresses the early Christian community in Corinth, offering guidance that remains relevant for our lives today. Each session will draw on the insights of the Church Fathers, Catholic saints, and the Catechism of the Catholic Church to deepen our understanding of Paul's messages on unity, morality, spiritual gifts, and the nature of the Church. Together, we will reflect on how these teachings can strengthen our faith, enrich our spiritual lives, and guide us in our daily walk with Christ. This group meets on Mondays at 10:05 a.m. in the Round Room (The Barn).

Think Like Jesus

Maddie Clarke 

Faith Integration

What Do I Believe and Why Does It Matter? In this life group, we will be discussing some of the basics of Christianity. You'll dig into eight key beliefs about a Jesus-follower's relationship with God and others. This group meets on Mondays at 10:05 a.m. in the Stewart Room.

You Asked!

Bella Berna

Faith Integration

"You Asked!" is a life group with a student-centered approach to faith integration. The curriculum is shaped entirely by your questions about faith, no matter how challenging or unconventional. Here’s how it works: At the beginning of the semester, we’ll send out a Google form for you to submit your questions. We’ll then explore and discuss your topics together, providing thoughtful and relevant answers. This group meets on Mondays at 5:00 p.m. in Emma's Café. 

Blossom Hall - The Awe of God

Ashley-Nicole Austin

Spiritual Disciplines

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom" (Proverbs 9:10). Our perception of God impacts our relationship with Him, whether it brings distance or unity with our Creator. In this life group, we'll read "The Awe of God" by John Bevere to explore the concept of reverence - A Holy Fear that draws us closer to God and strengthens our faith during our walk with Him, rather than a worldly fear that pushes us away. All are welcome to join us in deepening our understanding of God's love and His purpose for us. This group meets on Wednesdays at 8:30 p.m. in the Blossom 3 Yoga Room.

Woolman and Whittier - Roman's Road to Righteousness

Anna Warmbrodt

Bible Study

Throughout history, man has attempted to pave his own way to righteousness, often ending in catastrophe (Rom. 3:12). This is only the beginning of what the book of Romans has in store. This fall, we will dive into the first eight chapters of Romans. The entire world is in need of a Savior: Will you choose His path or your own? Come and learn how Paul lays out how we can have a restored relationship with God by going through God’s very own playbook. This group meets on Wednesdays at 8:30 p.m. in the Woolman 2 Lounge. 

Haviland Hall - Philippians: A Joyful Mission

Adrianna Raygoza and Michaela Alexander

Bible Study

This life group will be reading and discussing the book of Philippians. We will talk about what it looks like to choose joy in the midst of tribulations and how to have a missionary’s heart - just like Paul. This group meets on Wednesdays at 4:30 p.m. in the Haviland 2 Main Lounge.

Fox Hall - Spreading Christ's Light

Ethan Bishop and Gabe Kale

Bible Study

This life group is centered on the Sermon on the Mount. In this study, we will be examining what it means to live like Jesus and focus on how to be like Him, not just what He would do. This study is open to everyone with a goal of sharing the Gospel as we try to live our daily lives as disciples of Jesus Christ and getting to know everyone better as we all grow spiritually, ultimately discipling others some day. This group meets on Mondays at 7:00 p.m. in the Fox 2 Lounge.

Heritage Hall - The Book of James

Logan Shaffer and Lenny Veccia

Bible Study

In this life group, we will be looking at the theme of James “faith that is real, really works” (1:22, 2:14-17) and how Christian’s can grow in their faith, even when trails and temptation come their way (1:2-4, 12-15, 4:7-10).This group meets on Fridays at 10:05 a.m. in the Heritage 2 End Lounge.

Jesus Is

Devin Galbraith

Bible Study

This life group dives into the Gospels to discover who Jesus was and is and how we can live more like Him everyday. This group meets Tuesdays at 9:00 p.m. in Emma's Café. 

Morning Prayer and Eucharist

Dr. David Beer

Spiritual Disciplines

Morning prayer is a spiritual discipline of the Christian church that has been practiced since the early church. It orients the day around worship and praise of God and serves as a daily practice of Bible reading as well. It reminds Christians that we are not only part of a historic faith, but also a global faith that shares together in faithful practices and shared prayers. This group meets on Fridays at 8:00 a.m. in the JC Chapel.


David Williams

Spiritual Disciplines

This life group is a passionate call to prayer inspired by Jesus’ charge to his disciples in Luke 10:2. This group meets on Tuesdays at 10:02 a.m. in the Round Room (The Barn). 

Understanding Mental Health From a Biblical Perspective

Natalie D'Amato and Robert Tittl

Faith Integration

This five-week life group discusses struggles, such as anxiety and depression, and uses Biblical illustrations to show how faith can co-exist with such struggles. This group meets on Thursdays at 10:30 a.m. in the Round Room (The Barn), starting on September 19th.

Three Cords: A Biblical Foundation for Relationships

Chez and Monica Hershberger

Faith Integration

A life group for our dating, engaged, and married students. This group meets every other Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. in Chez and Monica's apartment, which is located on the first floor of Whittier Hall. It starts September 18th.

Welcoming the Stranger

Melody Scott and Christy Staats

Faith Integration

There are 117.3 million people displaced in the world today because of war, violence, food insecurity, and natural disasters. How should Christians respond in the face of such tragedy? This life group will use the book Welcoming the Stranger from World Relief to think about all things immigration, refugees, global displacement and the role of Christians. How can we let Scripture inform how we engage in the topic of immigration? How do we engage complicated questions in public life related to immigration that that the Bible is not clear on? How do we have the gospel be the framework that shapes our thinking as we look at immigration and the stranger? This group meets on Tuesdays at 10:20 a.m.