Expectations for Residence Halls

Living on Malone’s campus gives you the opportunity for fuller participation in the life of Malone. The residence halls are more than just a place to sleep. They are a place to develop friendships, study, and relax. In short, the residence halls are an extension of the classroom–a living, learning community. The Residence Halls are entrusted to you for your care and stewardship. Rules and regulations have been provided to ensure a healthy and safe living environment. 


Residence Life Staff

As a Malone resident, you will experience various educational and social programs that are designed to help broaden the scope of your personal educational goals. These programs are both informative and fun. Many people are involved in the successful administration and programming of activities in the residence halls. 

Those people are Resident Directors (RDs) and Area Coordinators (ACs)

RDs and ACs are the professional staff who live in the halls. They are responsible for the overall operations of respective buildings. Each of these professional staff members have received special training in student development, problem-solving, supervision, communication, and other important skills for facilitating life in the halls. The Residence Life staff responsibilities include the cultivation of a living, learning community, supervising the Resident Assistants (RAs), and assisting with the development and recreational programming for on-campus residents. Each RD/AC provides scheduled office hours for student’s convenience. The locations of these offices vary from building to building.

RD/AC Office and Phone

  • WWF: First Floor Whittier - x7910
  • Heritage Hall: First Floor - x7523
  • Haviland Hall: First Floor - x7441
  • Blossom Hall: First Floor - x7119

Resident Assistants (RAs)

Resident Assistants are student leaders who are carefully selected to work closely with the professional staff to be available for your needs. They are chosen for their leadership experience, training in interpersonal skills and their desire to have a positive impact on the student life environment. RAs are a link between students and the rest of the campus community. They assist in planning social, educational, and developmental programs in the halls. RAs are also responsible at the hall and floor level for working with students and educating them on Malone’s regulations and serving as a resource to assist with conflict resolution when necessary.

How to Become an RA

RA selection begins each January with informational meetings followed by a group process interview, an individual interview, and application review. Students will receive notification of the process through campus mail and postings. First-year students are eligible to apply to hold the position in their second year.


Residential Policy

Living on campus is a critical component of the Malone experience and valued as an integral part of a student’s holistic education. Students living on campus perform better academically, and their satisfaction is increased due to having more access to staff, faculty, and resources. Therefore, Malone has a residential requirement for its students, and certain criteria are required in order to live off-campus. Full-time, undergraduate students are eligible to live off-campus if they are:

Age: Students who are age 21 or older by July 1 of the fall semester or by January 1 for the spring semester are eligible to live off-campus.  Documentation: Students who meet this requirement will need to fill out an off-campus housing application and submit any change of address to the Office of Student Development. 

Semesters and GPA: Students who have lived in Malone campus housing for 4 semesters and have a 2.5 cumulative GPA or higher will be eligible to live off-campus. Documentation: Students who meet this requirement will be required to fill out an off-campus housing application and submit any change of address to the Office of Student Development.

Commuter: Students who live with their parents and commute from their parents’ home within a 50-mile radius of Malone will be eligible to live off-campus.  Documentation: Students who meet this eligibility requirement will be required to complete an off-campus housing application. *Parent signature required to commute from home.

Marriage: Married students are required to find their own housing options and are not eligible to live in Malone campus housing.  Students who meet this eligibility requirement will be asked to provide a copy of their marriage license.

Responsibility for Underage Dependent Children: Students who are the primary caregiver for an underage, dependent child. Documentation: Students who meet this eligibility requirement will be required to provide the most recent year’s income tax form listing the children who were claimed as dependents by the student.

Any Malone residential student with any amount of athletic scholarship is required to reside in campus housing. Student-athletes who desire to move off-campus will need to meet one of the above requirements and will also need to speak with the Financial Aid office and have their scholarships adjusted.

Any student requesting to live off-campus who does not meet eligibility for off-campus housing must complete the off-campus housing petition process. Filing a petition does not necessarily mean that approval will be given. Until formal notification from the Office of Student Development is received, no student should make arrangements with any off-campus housing organization. Students who make off-campus housing arrangements prior to receiving approval could be held financially responsible for both on-campus and off-campus arrangements. 

Those students who are eligible to live off-campus should complete an Off-Campus Housing Application. Students currently residing in campus housing who plan on returning to Malone for the following academic year will be automatically billed for room and board unless they have been approved to change to commuter status. Students who withdraw, transfer, or are subsequently given permission to move off-campus, will have their bill adjusted only after their resident or commuter status is confirmed.

Board plan requirements

All residential students are required to be on the board plan. The board plan consists of a 28-meal plan or a 14-meal plan option. Residential students in their first year at Malone (excluding transfers) are required to be on the 28-meal plan. All others choose their meal plan when they register for classes. 

The 28-meal plan entitles students to eat 28 meals per week. The 14-meal plan allows students to enter the dining commons up to 14 times per meal-plan week whenever they desire, including late evening hours, and eat as much as they desire. Students should plan their meals carefully as only 14 meals may be eaten per meal-plan week. (A meal plan week is defined as beginning at 7 a.m. on Monday and concluding at 6 p.m. on Sunday.) If all 14 meals are not eaten in any given week, they cannot be carried forward into succeeding weeks. Students who use their 14-meal allotment before Sunday evening will be required to pay cash for each meal after 14. 

AVI Food Services does accommodate food allergies/special diets upon request.

Students new to Malone housing

The Office of Student Development assigns all new residents a room by utilizing the information students provide on the Housing Questionnaire. A $100.00 non-refundable security deposit (enrollment deposit), a Housing Questionnaire, and a Health Information Record are required before a housing assignment is given. This material is available online for new students.

Security Deposit

For resident students, the $100.00 deposit is retained by Malone in order to cover a student’s failure to check out of their residence hall room, failure to return their room key, and any potential room and/or hall damage charges incurred during the semester. A refund will be issued upon a student’s graduation or when he/she is not returning to the residence halls. If the student has an outstanding bill with Malone, the amount of refund will be credited to their account. The security deposit is non-refundable for new students who make a commitment to reside on campus but later change their minds.

Room deposit and selection for returning students

All returning students who are planning to live on campus the following year must participate in the Campus Room Selection Process. To be eligible for Room Selection, all students must pre-register for classes and pay a $100.00 room reservation housing deposit during the spring semester; this guarantees returning students a room for the entire academic year. The deposit will be credited to residential student’s housing fees during the fall billing period. The $100 deposit is nonrefundable for those students who decide not to reside on campus. 

Priority in the Room Selection will be based on an average of total credit hours earned by each room or suite. Any students entering the process without a full room or suite will lose priority.

Room Assignments

The Residence Life Office will do its best to place people in the residence hall they request and with roommates who prefer the same or similar lifestyle. Students are matched through the online housing questionnaire form. From time to time, unresolved differences between roommates necessitate a room change. Malone requires that all residents remain in their assigned rooms for the first three weeks of each semester. During this time, residents are encouraged to actively work together through initiating open and honest communication, negotiating, compromising, etc., in order to strive for healthy, cooperative roommate relationships. 

The Residence Life staff is also available to act as mediators and resource persons during times when additional tensions exist among roommates. Requests for room changes are to be submitted to the Resident Assistant who will assess and explore with each resident their present situation and potential options. Then the request will be given to the Resident Director to determine appropriate action. Any approved room change will occur only after the first three weeks of each semester. An additional housing re-location fee is charged for room changes.

Single rooms and rooms with amenities

Single rooms are available in limited quantities for returning students. 

Single rooms do have an up-charge per semester in addition to standard room and board costs. The charges will be applied to a student’s account. All University-owned furniture (including extra bed, desk, etc.) must remain in the room at all times throughout the year. Students will be given the option to sign-up for a single room during the Room Selection Process. Please fill out the Single Room Application and Agreement form to apply for available single rooms. 

Special accommodations for student housing

If there is a medical or accessibility-related need which requires special housing accommodations, those accommodations are available. The Office of Student Development will need written documentation explaining the need from a medical professional or approval through Malone’s Director of Student Accessibility. 

In the event that a student requires a single room, they are available for $625/semester.

Health Needs

Upon checking-in to their residence halls, residents will be asked to fill out an Emergency Health Sheet to be kept on file for their safety. This information will familiarize the Residence Life staff with health-related needs or concerns. If a student becomes ill in the residence halls, the staff is available to help coordinate obtaining meals from food service. In the event a student’s health needs necessitate expert medical attention, the residence hall staff will help facilitate transportation to a local hospital and contact the student’s parent/guardian. Students may also utilize the Health Center.

Holidays and vacation breaks

The residence halls will be closed during Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Spring Break vacations. Room charges do not include these vacation periods. There are no food services offered during these break periods. Students will need to make their own housing arrangements. Students are required to get permission from their Resident Director to stay on campus during breaks. 

Malone will assist international students and missionary dependents in finding off-campus housing during vacation times upon request.


Checking-in to a residence hall

Upon arrival, students need to check in with a Residence Life staff member. The staff will confirm the room assignment and issue a room key. Once in the room, the student will need to complete and sign a Room Condition Inventory (RCI) that indicates the condition of the room and furniture and acknowledges receipt of the room key. The student is responsible for the accuracy of the RCI and will be charged for any damage or loss that may occur during occupancy or that was not previously indicated on the RCI.

All furniture in your assigned room is to remain in that room at all times, including single rooms.

Checking-out of a residence hall

Students are responsible for informing the Residence Life staff that they are moving out of the residence hall and for properly checking out of their room. This includes returning the room key and scheduling a time with the Resident Director or Resident Assistant who will evaluate the condition of the room with the student (by reviewing the Room Condition Inventory (RCI) form the student filled out during check-in). There is a charge if a room key is not returned. 

The room should be thoroughly cleaned (dusted, swept, and furniture returned to its original position). Residents will be charged accordingly for anything that is missing or damaged. There will be a charge for students failing to follow check out procedures.

Room Furnishings

Each residence hall offers a lounge/common area with TV, laundry facilities, and vending machines. 

Each room is provided with a bed, desk and chair, clothes closet and drawers, overhead light, desk light, and draperies (WWF) or vertical blinds (HH, LHH, & BH). Each residence hall is also equipped with wireless Internet. All items are to remain in your room.

Rates of charge vary for residence halls. There is an upcharge for rooms with amenity differences (HH, LH, BH).

  • Heritage Hall (HH) houses female students who reside in suites where two double rooms are joined by a shared bathroom. Rooms are generally 10' x 11' carpeted and equipped with loft-able furniture. Study rooms and lounges are located on each floor. HH has central air conditioning.
  • Woolman, Whittier, and Fox Halls (WWF) are three traditional women’s residence halls joined together. Most rooms are doubles, although there are some exceptions. Rooms vary slightly in size. Woolman Hall rooms are 15' 6" x 8' 8", with window dimensions of 37" length x 84" width. Whittier Hall rooms are 16' 6" x 8' 6", with window dimensions of 45" length x 84" width. Fox Hall rooms are 15' 3" x 9' 6" with window dimensions 52" length x 84" width. Each corridor shares a large bathroom, and each floor has a common lounge. WWF does not have central air conditioning.
  • Haviland Hall (LH) houses both upper-class and incoming men who reside in suites where two double rooms are joined by a shared bathroom. Each bedroom also has its own sink. Rooms are 10' x 11', carpeted, and equipped with loftable furniture. Study rooms and lounges are located on every floor. HH has air conditioning.
  • Blossom Hall (BH) Houses upper-class women who reside in suites where two double rooms are joined by a shared bathroom. Each bedroom also has its own sink. Rooms are 10' x 11', carpeted, and equipped with loftable furniture. Study rooms and lounges are located on every floor. BH has air conditioning.

Room Damages and Repairs

Immediate repair concerns (water, electric, heat, window damage) should be reported to the Resident Director immediately or to Campus Safety (x.8111). For normal repairs (replacement of light bulbs, furniture repairs, etc.), the student should notify the Physical Plant through “School Dude”.

Students are liable for damages to Malone property. Damages should be reported to the Resident Assistant or Resident Director as soon as possible. The occupants of that room will share the repair for any damages in a student room unless an individual assumes responsibility for them. If it is determined that the damage is a result of normal wear and tear, the student will not be charged. When damages occur in common areas of the residence hall and the responsible person(s) does not come forth, the result is that each resident of that hall pays for an equal portion of the total repair costs. There will be a minimum processing fee when fines of this nature are issued.


At no time should bicycles be stored in any campus building, stairwell or entryway. Bicycles may be stored in available bike racks and should be locked when parked or stored on campus. Malone accepts no responsibility for the safekeeping of bicycles. Bicycles left in stairwells or entryways may be removed by Malone personnel.


Washers and dryers are available in each residence hall for resident students only. Should you have any difficulty with any of the machines, please contact the company directly using the numbers on the machines.

Personal Property

Malone assumes no responsibility and does not provide insurance or any financial protection against loss, damage or theft of personal property. It is recommended that students obtain insurance protection against loss, damage or theft of personal property. Information regarding such insurance is available through your personal property insurance carrier.


There is no storage available beyond a student’s room. Students may not store any belongings in the residence hall during the summer because the facilities are used for summer conferences and repairs are made in preparation for the next academic year. No provision is made for the storage of motorcycles, mopeds, or flammable items in the residence halls. Items remaining after a student has left the residence halls will be donated to charity or thrown away.


The campus phone system permits residents to access campus and local calls directly. Any form of telephone misuse including, but not limited to, long-distance theft, misuse of institutional phones, and harassing, obnoxious, obscene or annoying phone calls is strictly prohibited and will result in disciplinary action.


Under no circumstance are windows to be used for entering or leaving the residence hall. Open windows are not to be used to transmit music to the community outside the residence hall. Malone reserves the right to limit the quantity and type of items displayed in or on room windows so as to maintain an attractive appearance of the building. Screens are not to be removed from residence hall windows. Under no circumstances are the fasteners to be broken, bent, or removed.

Room Decorations

Your room is designed for your comfort and utility, as well as compliance with fire and other building regulations. Room personalization and decorating are encouraged. At the same time, the following guidelines must be followed. 

We ask that you refrain from using such items as tape, nails, screws, thumbtacks, or anything that might remove paint or puncture the surface of the walls, doors, closets, etc. This includes mounting. stick-up types of light fixtures. Please note that any and all wall damage caused by poster mounts or any other advertised safe hanging adhesive will still be the responsibility of the students living in the room. Furthermore, we ask that you do not paint and/or wallpaper your room or any of Malone furnishings. Posters/room decorations must be in accordance with standards established by Malone. Inappropriate and/or offensive decorations, which may include, but are not limited to posters which exhibit/reveal or suggest nudity, and/or are pornographic in nature, are not permitted. 

Public street signs are not permitted in residence halls. Water beds are not permitted, either.

No flags, blankets, sheets, clothing, etc., may be hung from the ceiling. Strings of decorations or lights, as well as electrical cords and other similar items may not be strung across, through or above doorways. Doorways, hallways, and stairwells must be kept clear of decorations and furnishings (including doormats) that may cause obstructions of any kind.

If you are in doubt of a particular decorating idea, please see your Resident Assistant or Resident Director.


Heritage, Blossom, and Haviland Halls come with loftable beds. 

Students may build a loft for rooms in Woolman, Whittier, Fox (WWF) Residence Halls, after obtaining an approved loft permit from your Resident Director. 

Loft permits may be obtained upon your arrival to campus. Loft specifications include the following:

  • Lofts are to be freestanding, at least 24” from the mattress to the ceiling, and at least 3’ away from entrances and exits for a clear, safe, passageway
  • Lofts may not interfere with any electrical or safety devices
  • Lofts may not be larger than two single bed sleep surfaces
  • Lofts are to be placed in the rooms within the first two weeks of the semester
  • Lofts will be inspected and approved by the Resident Director, who will assure all Malone requirements are met.
  • All Malone furniture is to remain in the room and on the floor of the room (no sub-floors or mezzanine levels)

Fire Hazards

For your protection, and in accordance with fire codes, the following are not permitted in the residence halls: candles, incense, potpourri burners, sterno cans, sparklers, etc. Brand new candles (white wick) and birthday candles are the only exceptions to this policy and are permitted with the approval of the Resident Director. 

Combustible liquids of any type are not to be used or stored in the residence halls. 

Halogen lamps operate at a very high temperature and even though newer lamps are shielded, they continue to present a fire hazard and are therefore not permitted in the residence halls. Only free-standing or desk lamps may be added to rooms. Only flameproof paper products and other materials may be used in residence halls. No decorations made from dried plant matter or from evergreens may be used (e.g., Christmas trees, wreaths, etc.) Upholstered furniture must be labeled as flame retardant. 

At no time are fire alarms, detectors, extinguishers, electrical outlets, room lights, etc. to be covered by decorations.

Electrical Appliances

The use of electrical appliances is limited because of sanitation, safety, and circuit overload. All approved appliances such as hair dryers, irons, and fans must bear the American Underwriter’s Laboratory seal of approval and have self-contained (not exposed) heating elements. Appliances of this type should be unplugged when not in use. 

Microwaves, electrical space heaters, sandwich makers, toasters, candle warmers, hot plates, crock-pots, electric fry pans, and other high intensity or exposed coil electrical appliances are prohibited. One refrigerator per student, not exceeding 3.6 cubic feet, is permitted. 

Electrical devices may not be attached to sleep surfaces. Extension cords must be of three-wire design and have a grounding plug. Two-wire and other light duty extension cords (usually brown) are not permitted. Surge protectors must be plugged directly into a wall outlet.

Food Preparation

The preparation or cooking of food is not permitted in student rooms. In order to guard against insects, any food such as cookies, crackers, etc., should be kept in sealed containers on a shelf and not on windowsills or building ledges.

Firearms and/or any other weapons

Firearms, ammunition, knives, martial arts weapons, hunting bows or arrows and/or any other weapons are not permitted in the residence halls or on Malone property, except as required by law. Permission may be granted from the Resident Director to store minimal hunting equipment. Violators are subject to fines, removal from housing, and/or other disciplinary action. Information concerning how to build weapons is not permitted on Malone property.


Fireworks, firecrackers, and similar explosives are not permitted in the residence halls or on Malone property. Violators are subject to fines, removal from housing, and/or other disciplinary action.

Fire alarms/safety equipment

Each residence hall is equipped with a fire alarm system, which is monitored by Campus Safety. Malone expects that students will respect the security of every building, be knowledgeable about the proper use of all fire safety equipment and refrain from creating fire or other safety hazards. 

Fire drills will be conducted periodically, sometimes unannounced, to ensure proper fire alarm procedures are known and followed. All students are to comply and cooperate when a fire drill is being conducted. When the fire alarms sound, all students must immediately exit the building and stand at least 50 feet from the exit doors. Violators are subject to disciplinary action.

Anyone tampering with fire alarm systems or fire protection equipment will be subject to disciplinary action including but not limited to a $100 fine and local authorities will be notified. If a deliberate incident occurs in a residence hall and the responsible party cannot be identified, the hall will be charged collectively for the incident.


Pets (except fish) are not permitted in the residence halls. Fish tanks must be kept clean, are limited to one per student, must not exceed 20 gallons.

Service or Comfort Animals

Please see Appendix F for the Service or Comfort Animal Policy.