The aim of strategic planning at Malone University is to engage in an ongoing process that allows every member of the Malone community to understand and work toward shared goals and objectives in an effort to live out our mission, vision, foundational principles, and educational goals.

Mission, Vision, Foundational Principles

Educational Goals

Although strategic planning has taken on various forms over time, our current approach involves setting 3-year Strategic Goals, which are then pursued via 1-year Strategic Objectives. Once the Objectives are established, Strategic Initiatives are then identified as means for reaching those Objectives.  

Each fall, the campus community gathers together to discuss our Strategic Goals, including progress made on Strategic Goals and Objectives as well as areas for continued growth.  Each department on campus works to identify ways they can concretely engage in and support the Strategic Goals and Initiatives, which underscores the idea that every member of the Malone community actively supports and engages in the strategic planning process.

The Strategic Planning Committee receives a wide-range of input from the community. Based on this input and their monitoring of the strategic plan success measures, the Strategic Planning Committee will make annual recommendations to the President’s Cabinet for any modifications to the Strategic Goals and for annual strategic initiatives.