Title IX at Malone

What is Title IX?

Title IX—part of a 1972 federal education law—prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in any federally funded education program or activity. Sexual harassment and sexual violence are forms of sex discrimination. Malone is committed to providing an environment free from discrimination, including based upon sex.

The Law

“No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.”

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972
Implementing Regulations at: 
20 U.S.C § 1681 & 34 C.F.R. Part 106


This following list of individuals are the Title IX Resolution Team. Their job is to oversee the Title IX compliance at the university:

  • Melody Scott, Vice President for Student Development, Title IX Coordinator
  • Tony Schnyders, Dean of Community Life, Deputy Title IX Coordinator
  • Director of Human Resources, Title IX Deputy Coordinator for Employees
  • Anna Meadows, Director for Center for Student Success, Deputy Title IX Coordinator
  • Andrea Ramsey, Informal Resolution Facilitator, Title IX Deputy Coordinator
  • Jack Angelo, Director of Campus Safety
  • Holly Kibler, TIX Appeals Chair
  • Anonymous complaints can also be submitted through Campus Shield Safety App on your phone.


The Clery Act requires colleges and universities that receive federal funding to disseminate a public annual security report (ASR) to employees and students every October 1st. This ASR must include statistics of campus crime for the preceding 3 calendar years.

ASRs must also include policy statements regarding (but not limited to) crime reporting, campus facility security and access, law enforcement authority, incidence of alcohol and drug use, and the prevention of/response to sexual assault, domestic or dating violence, and stalking.

Reporting Concerns

At Malone, every employee is expected to report incidents of sexual misconduct except designated confidential advisors. Confidential advisors are: counselors in the Student Counseling Center, the Student Health Center Nurse, the Director of the Spiritual Formation Office (ordained minister), and Compass advocates.

The disciplinary process of individual schools or university-related organizations does not supersede this policy. This policy does not negate the right of schools or organizations to institute their own disciplinary process for cases of sexual misconduct/assault. In addition to the criminal and student conduct processes, the victim of sexual misconduct or sexual assault may consider retaining a private attorney for the purpose of filing a civil action.

Reports Involving Students

Reports Involving Employees