Business Analytics Minor

Help businesses make decisions that work

Find your purposeful and meaningful career using data to inform best business practices. 

Become a well-prepared, confident, and effective business practitioner by adding a business analytics minor to your business major. The minor emphasizes how to analyze and apply data based decisions based on current market understanding, management, and statistical analysis. 

Learn from experienced educators and professionals who will provide a comprehensive knowledge of multi-faceted business analytics that prepares you to communicate and engage future colleagues and clients effectively. 

Program distinctives 

  • Acquire data analytics skills that complement their business major courses and increase marketability in a technologically driven workplace.
  • Gain a strong foundation for working with business data and applying analytics to current business contexts.  
  • Acquire expertise in the business analytics cycle by applying research, technology, and statistical techniques to make data-driven business decisions in a dynamic marketplace.

View course curriculum

The business analytics minor consists of courses in accounting, business, and math. View the requirements listed in the official Academic Catalog

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